To The Victor Go The Responsibilities…

The political world could look like a very different place tomorrow morning, if all the predictions come to pass.

Or it could look like the same old power-mongering, I-want-mine, gridlocked morass that has brought us to this place.

Whether this is heaven or this is hell is going to depend largely on how the Republicans handle their reacquired power.

One can only hope…and pray…they’ve learned from their past mistakes.

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More thoughts in today’s opinion piece on the Daily Caller

1 thought on “To The Victor Go The Responsibilities…”

  1. Looking To Escape

    “Whether this is heaven or this is hell is going to depend largely on how the Republicans handle their reacquired power.”
    The Democrat allies such as their media will make sure it’s hell.
    John Boehner should be prepared to flex his muscles. Assuming he gets the Speakership in the House, he’ll control the Nation’s checkbook and could check Barack Obama’s free spending ways. He should start selectively defunding parts of the Healthcare “reform”, Justice Dept activities (end the Arizona lawsuit) and the Labor Department (end some very draconian labor regulation proposals) to show the Republicans are back and they mean what they said.
    My own hunch is with the Republicans back in control of the House, Barack Obama will be seen as “neutralized” and business will start spending again which will help improve the economy.

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