Pamela Varkony began her career at an MOR-FM radio station and its sister NBC affiliate TV station in a Top Twenty market. Broadcasting is a passion; one Pam pursues often.
She is a frequent guest on news and talk shows discussing politics and current events as well as advocating for the rights of women in the American workplace and the developing world.
In 2009 & 2010, Pam hosted the “Power Of Women” radio show on the Voice America Internet Network, demonstrating her ongoing commitment to quality programming that both informs and entertains.
Pam continues to provide commentary for both PBS and NPR on a regional and national basis. As a member of “Alliance for Women in Media“, she served as a judge for the “Gracie Awards” in New York.
Contact Pamela to inquire about an interview or broadcast appearance
Public Affairs Television
An appearance on the public affairs program “Business Matters”, provided a lively exchange between the panelists, along with input from the moderator, regarding the topic of “Gender-based pay inequity in the workplace”.
Opening Salvo – No more fairytales, but government is not the answer either.
Leadership Advice – Keeping a work journal is an invaluable tool to prove your worth to an employer
Public Affairs Radio
Pamela has worked closely with her local Community Public Radio/NPR station, WDIY. From 2005 to 2014 she provided on-air commentary based on her newspaper column, as well as hosted the magazine show, Lehigh Valley Discourse.
The following program aired in honor of Women’s History Month: Women who break barriers and glass ceilings always make for a good interview; the following clips filled with wisdom and advice is proof in point.

Pamela in the studio of WDIY with Cindy Ratzlaff, author, speaker, and publishing consultant.
Clip 1 Opening & Introduction
Entrepreneurship often begins in childhood…
Clip 2 Luck vs. Opportunity
Mini miracles happen each and every day…
Clip 3 Breaking Barriers
There are no boundaries, only hurdles.
Clip 4 How Far We’ve Come
The ground we’ve gained can still be lost.
National Radio
Power of Women™

Combining the leading edge of issues and technology, Pamela launched her radio show on one of the nation’s largest internet networks, Voice of America. Her guests ranged from Congressmen to authors discussing topics as varied as politics, philanthropy, finance and fashion. The show was about “Power”…How to get it, how to use it, and how to love it, clear in the belief that the real “Power Of Women” is that together, we can do anything.
Now Playing:”Cap & Trade: The Impact of a National Energy Tax”
“Emotional Genetics: The Dynamics that stop women from succeeding”
“Charter Partners Institute: Preparing the next generation for the future”
“Preserving Women’s Health and Dignity; The Importance of Pelvic Medicine”
“The Art & Business of Speaking: How to Profit from Sharing What You Know”
“Making a Difference…How to Live Your Best Life And Not Drive Yourself Crazy”
“Afghanistan’s Future: “A view from inside”
“Rebuilding the Republican Party: The role women will play”
“What We Really Need to Know About the Global Flu Threat”
“How Women Shaped America: Their heritage and their future”
“OPEN Book: A dialog with Mimi Griffin, Exec. Director of the 2009 U.S. Women’s Open”
Radio Commentary

The following essay titled Thinking Rock aired on NPR as a This I Believe segment.

Additional Television Appearances
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Pamela Varkony
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