The Mystery Poll

I previously posted about an extensive phone poll I had received that focused on the race for the Lehigh Valley’s 15th Congressional District between Charlie Dent and John Callahan. I summarized, incorrectly as it turns out, that the poll was most likely conducted by the Dent campaign or the RCCC.

I’ve received both official confirmation from the Dent campaign’s manager, Shawn Millan, and unofficial confirmation from a source close to the campaign, that it was NOT a Dent poll nor was it paid for by the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee. Millan believes it was a Democratic poll, although that is an opinion only. The unofficial source, a professional political operative, agreed with Millan, sighting  the extensive questions about union membership.

My theory was that the union questions were the R’s looking for any weakness in union support that they could leverage. The operative thinks it’s the exact opposite: The Dems are worried that the unions are so mad over the healthcare bill that they’ll run to the Republican side of the ballot. The poll is meant to reassure the “D” hierarchy that that’s not true, or motivate them to start shoring up that part of the base.

Blogger’s Note: I would have posted this information two days ago, but someone tried to hack in to the blog rendering it unusable for 48 hours.

3 thoughts on “The Mystery Poll”

  1. Looking To Escape

    The Democrats are laying the ground work for a media campaign touting the benefits of the good “gifts” Obama, Pelosi and Reid have bestowed upon the American people, including union members.
    The assumption is the Democrat base will not realize they’re going out on an expensive date and that they’ll be picking up the check at the end of the evening.

  2. Looking,

    If that’s the case, I think the Dems are going to be without a prom date when election day rolls around.

    I haven’t seen any poll that shows support turning around for the healthcare bill, and the President did not get the poll “bump” that most Dems and the media expected after it passed.

  3. Obama’s chickens will be coming home to roost this November.

    Do not be fooled by the propaganda, which will be ramped up even higher (if that’s possible).

    Stay patient.

    Stay engaged.

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